8 Bit Weapon reports: [edited]
8 Bit Weapon is Seth, ComputeHer, and MelBot. 8 Bit Weapon has performed across two continents with an arsenal of 8 bit weapons, which include a Commodore 64 and 128, a couple Nintendo Gameboy classics, Nintendo N.E.S., Intellivision synthesizer, Atari 2600, Speak 'n' Spell, Speak 'n' Music, some hybrid lo-fi acoustic-electric drums, and an assortment of other vintage and toy synthesizers.
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Brett's 2p'orth: For anyone who fancies reliving their Galaxian and PacMan-playing past, the tracks they produced for a game called Reset Generation are available for free download. The final track '2D Died' (a eulogy to 8bit games [extremely badly] sung to the tune of Don McLean's 'American Pie') is begging for someone like Weird Al to transform it into something listenable. Also available on YouTube.
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