Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Scientific 7-Minute Workout Video

LifeHack reports: [edited]

News about the 'Scientific 7-Minute Workout' has been buzzing around the web for the last month.

The workout was developed by The Human Performance Institute and requires only resistance from body weight, so you don’t have to purchase any fancy exercise equipment or visit a gym to get in shape. The downside is that the 7-minute workout explanations from Institute and The Times only featured descriptions of the exercises paired with pictures or illustrations -something hard to base an exercise routine on if you’ve never actually done these workouts before.

Fortunately, we are here to help and have created a video of the 7-minute workout so you can see exactly what goes into the routine before you try the famous 7-minute workout for yourself and, when you do try it, this video can help you keep track of the exercises and your time.

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