Friday, May 16, 2008

Adapting to high definition

msnbc reports: [edited]

There are flaws in any human face, especially one that has seen a little mileage. Usually, the makeup department can do wonders on nooks, crannies, crow’s-feet, rashes, pimples, nose hairs or any other natural imperfection that might cause the camera lens to wince, and the audience along with it.

But with the advent of high-definition photography, which is rapidly becoming the industry standard, that pockmark can look like a crater if a makeup artist isn’t careful.

“For middle-aged women, it should be outlawed,” noted cinematographer Bill Roe (“The X Files” movie, “Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles”). “You watch a basketball game in HD and then you wonder what a close-up will look like on a 40-year-old woman. You gotta go, ‘Wow.’ You can see the makeup. You can see stuff.

1 comment:

RHK said...

'There are flaws in any human face, especially one that has seen a little mileage.'

How true, how sad, muses Mr Gnome.

But he has a message of cheer for all HBs: 'Take a tip from Mr G's book of beauty. Relax. Celebrate those blemishes.

'And should the fickle fairy of celebrity invite you to appear on HDTV (whatever that is), make your debut with aplomb, at ease with every aspect of your unique individuality.'
