Sunday, August 19, 2007


OGame is an online game of intergalactic conquest that my boyz have discovered recently. It's free to play, and works on just about any modern web browser.

According to the site's publicity blurb...

"You start out with just one undeveloped world and turn that into a mighty empire able to defend your hard earned colonies. You then create an economic and military infrastructure to support your quest for the next greatest technological achievements.

"Wage war against other empires as you struggle with other players to gain the materials. Negotiate with other emperors and create an alliance or trade for much needed resources. Build an armada to enforce your will throughout the universe."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

La evolucion del ogame!

100% gratuitos
Oficiales Gratuitos
Nada de pagar por ventaja
Cola de produccion (mas de una construccion al mismo tiempo!)
Colonizacion sin limite -Tecnologia de colonizacion (1 colonia por nivel)-
DiseƱo mejorado

The evolution of Ogame!

100% Free
Free Officiers
Production Queue
Endless Cololonization ( Colonization Technologie)
Improve Design nuevo juego de estrategia espacial on line desarrollado en la argentina
